Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Planning a Trip to Spain

Sometimes it helps to know what festivals or events are going on in a destination in order to plan to be there, or to avoid it for your own vacation. Spain is known for their numerous festivals and holidays. Here is a list of event dates in Spain that may help anyone wanting to go to Spain decide about their own travel dates.

1stNew Year's Day
2ndReconquest Festival - celebrating the Christian conquest of the Moors in 1492
6thEpiphany - Three Kings Day - children receive Christmas presents and candy.
17thSan Anton - patron saint of domestic animals. Bonfires are lit and demon figures are used. Also celebrated in much of the mainland with bonfires and mounted processions. In Ciudad Real bread rolls are blessed and cockerels auctioned off.
17thPorrat de San Anton. A traditional market selling local producs. An animal show and the blessing of the animals in the bullring. Held in the quarter of the city named after the saint.
2nd-5thReenactment of struggle between Christians and Moors - parades and fireworks, colourful costumes
11th-Mar21stFestival de Cadiz - Oldest festival in Spain - parades and colourful costumes
VariousMadrid Carnival - masked ball, fancy dress and the burrial of a sardine followed by a concert in Plaza Mayor
12th-19thFallas de Valencia - fiesta centering around the burning of effigies of winter demons - bullfights and fireworks
12thCommonwealth Day
9th-16thSemana Santa (Easter week)
14thGood Friday ***These Easter dates vary from year to year
17thEaster Monday
20th-25thFeria de Sevilla - all night Flamenco dancing, bullfights, dancing in the streets and horse riding - the most celebrated event in Spain
VariousMoros y Christians - battle re-enactment with circus-like atmosphere
26th-29thRomeria - the oldest festival in Spain and of National interest
Thursday following Easter weekPilgrimage of the Holy Visage. A very important and popular event when 200,000 people holding pilgrimage canes walk to the Monastery of Santa Faz to worship at the shrine. They have picnic lunches and a large arts and crafts market is held.
1stLabour Day
First 2 weeksFestival de los Patios - residents decorate their patios with cascades of flowers and visitors wander from patio to patio
12th-21stFiesta de San Isidro - 10 day celebration of the patron saint - parties, parades, bullfights and dances
9th-16thHorse Fair - greatest horses in the world on parade
15thSan Isidro's Day
2nd SundayRomeria day
1st-3rdMay Crosses (Cruces de Mayo). The Santa Cruz quarter dresses with sweet smelling crosses made from flowers. The finest win awards and dances and games are organised
AllVeranos de la Villa - dancing, music and concerts, often free of charge - all summer long
6thCorpus Christi - big parades especially in Toledo, Malaga, Granada and Seville
20thSt.John's Bonfires - bonfires through the night signal 5 days of festivities - business in Alicante comes to a standstill
24thSan Juan - Celebrated with bonfires on the beach, lasting all night through the night of the 23rd. At midnight everyone rushes into the sea to symbloise the baptisms by John the Baptist. The theory is that you wash your feet in the sea to cleanse your sins. There is also the tradition of jumping the bonfire, to burn away your sins (or something like that).
First weekendA Rapa das Bestas - capture and branding of wild horses from the hills attracts equestrian lovers from all over Europe
Early JulyRunning of the bulls - most popular event in Spain where bulls are released into the streets - also features other events - known as Fiesta de San Fermin
13th-22ndAnnual feria week based on Virgen del Carmen. Town's anniversary on the 20th
16thVirgen del Carmen: Annual feast of the fishermen when the waters are blessed and the Virgen is carried to sea in a procession.
14thPolo season begins (approx.)
3rd-8thAnnual feria with large fun fair. See more about it here
13thAnnual feria at the Sohail Castle
16thVirgen del Carmen: Annual celebration when the fishing port comes alive to mark their patron saint. Events spread to the Island of Tabarca
MiddleFeria de Malaga - 10 day long fair - fireworks, horses and gallons of wine
Last WednesdayLa Tomatina (Battle of the Tomatoes). Tons of fruit thrown between warring towns and villages - followed by music and dancing
18-25th Fiesta de la Recoleccion - bullfights, shows, parties and cattle market
11-15thVirgen del Rosario - Sevillian mass and procession
4th-5thMoors and Christians - Bonfires are lit and a castle is built
11thDia Nacional de Cataluna - flagwaving and demonstrations celebrating the region's independence
24thFestival Setmana Cran - patron saint's day - evening mass followed by a procession to the cathedral then finishing at the harbour
5th-8thVirgen del Socorro. The Ravel quarter organises a feast in honour of its patron saint. The fiesta includes cooking competitions, a procession, games and dances
15th-17thAnnual feria
9thDia de Comunidad Valenciana
12thDay of El Pilar, procession of giant figures
1stAll Saints Day - relatives lay flowers on graves of the dead
25thChristmas Day
26thSaint Stephen
6thConstitution Day
28thDia de los Santos Inocentes - similar to Fools Day which is just an excuse to do silly things

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