Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your European Adventure Just Got Cheaper

The euro is trading near to 1.26 today! That is a 22% drop since last summer at least, and a recent forecast sent out by our forex broker has some analysts prediction the Euro will hit 1.15 this year!

Well, the economy may be in the dumps, but for those who still plan to travel, this levels the playing field with other destinations. Of course I'm happy to report that with all of our tours the price just keeps going down when you convert to $US, $CAD, and many other currencies.

If you look at other tour operators selling trips in your local currency - are they reducing the price of their tours correspondingly? Unlikely.

So, our Tuscany 4 night cycling tour priced at 910 euros in B&B's went from costing $1365US a few months ago to costing $1145US per person. So, for a couple that is $440 saved.

Spring is showing some excellent airfares too! Chicago-Paris roundtrip in April is under $700!

Hmmm, the last minute spring traveler has some good options now I think!


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